What You Need to Know About Tooth Replacement Cost

What You Need to Know About Tooth Replacement Cost

Do you have missing teeth and are concerned about not only your smile but also your dental health? Despite vast improvements in dental care, many still suffer from tooth loss, usually from tooth decay, periodontal disease, or injury. Losing a tooth has a huge impact...
How Do Invisalign Braces Work?

How Do Invisalign Braces Work?

Unhappy with your smile but not really interested in wearing traditional braces? Maybe think you are too old to get your perfect smile? Well braces aren’t just for kids and teens anymore. More and more, adults are choosing to get braces to straighten their...
Is Professional Teeth Whitening Cost Worth It?

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Cost Worth It?

One of the most asked questions we get at Afdent is “how can I get my teeth whiter?” Honestly one of the simplest and easiest answers is to brush your teeth gently with a fluoride toothpaste for two minutes twice a day. And use a timer, most people think they’ve been...
3 Signs You Need An Emergency Tooth Extraction

3 Signs You Need An Emergency Tooth Extraction

Many people wonder if their dental pain is severe enough to warrant an emergency trip to their dentist. Toothaches come in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of pain, so knowing what’s an emergency and what’s not can help you save money in the long run....
Are Adult Braces Right For You?

Are Adult Braces Right For You?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, over 4 million Americans are undergoing some type of orthodontic treatment? And did you know that about 25% of those individuals are adults? Orthodontics aren’t just for kids anymore, with the advancing...